
Te Pūaha-o-Whanganui – Crossing the Bar

The Port of Whanganui has a dramatic history and is now making a brave comeback.

    The river, the people and the port made Whanganui what it is today.

    The river provided in important route for Māori and settlers to the interior. Although the river’s edge now has many deforested and unstable areas, bush once sat thickly across most of the North Island. Roads and rail were relative latecomers.

    The settlement that became Whanganui sprang up there local Māori lived seasonally and traded with other iwi. Nearer the ocean, the river constantly shifted channel. Many vessels were wrecked. Trade increased, however, and ships became larger.

    In this exhibition we see the great watery highway of the Whanganui River and those who have come to grief on its tumultuous entry. The Port of Whanganui has a dramatic history and is now making a brave comeback.