Ngā Akoranga Kura – Education Programmes
Haere mai ki te whakakikī haere i ngā kono mātauranga. Fill your baskets of knowledge by participating in an engaging and memorable education experience with us.
Ākonga can learn in either te reo Māori or English, in-person or virtually. We will adapt the content to suit your learners. Bookings are essential for all education visits.
Selected programmes may be delivered offsite in a location of your choice. Remote delivery may be available for all or part of any programme.
Find out which programmes and opportunities are coming up each school term:
Download our latest school newsletter.
Te Tono Kaupapa Ako – Programmes By Request
Kāore i te kitea tāu kaupapa ako? Tēnā, tono mai!
If you can’t see something that suits your ākonga, call us to discuss your learning needs.
For bookings and further information contact us on 06 349 1110 or email:
Te Utu – Costs
FREE for all students (charges may apply for special resources)
FREE admission for supervising adults
Whakangungu Pouako – Professional Development
From time to time, the Museum offers professional development for teachers, in areas of museum specialisation.
Contact us to register your interest in programmes for classroom teachers.