Mana Whakahaere – Governance  

The Museum is governed by the Whanganui Regional Museum Trust. It was registered as a charitable trust in 2000.  

The governance of the Whanganui Regional Museum Trust is based on the principles of partnership and two cultures (Māori and Tangata Tiriti) arising from the Treaty of Waitangi. There are two houses that provide the members who sit on the Joint Council (which operates like a Trust board). The Tikanga Māori House has nominated representatives from the iwi and hapū of the region. The Civic House, appointed through an electoral college, represents a range of communities in Whanganui, including educational, cultural, civic. Any business coming from either group, or jointly from both, are required to demonstrate consistency with the Treaty of Waitangi and adequate consultation between the partners. The two houses may also respond to matters put to them by the Joint Council members. Joint Council decisions require the agreement of a majority of members of both houses.  

The governance operating model is currently under review. Many circumstances have changed in the two decades since this ground-breaking bicultural model was established. A regular review is also a requirement of both the Trust deed and the Charities Services Ngā Ratonga Kaupapa Atawhai, with whom the Trust is registered. 

Joint Council

Rob Carr (Chair)
Annette Main
Moana (Hine) Pōtaka-Gardiner
Hinemoa Ranginui-Mansell
Bill Ranginui
Don Robinson
John Smart
Marshall Tangaroa (Deputy)
Lynne Vinsen


John Maihi (Tūpoho)

Tikanga Māori House

Moana (Hine) Pōtaka-Gardiner (Ngāti Hauiti)
Bill Ranginui (Nga Poutama nui a Awa, Ngati Aokehu me Ngati Taanewai of Matahiwi Marae)
Hinemoa Ranginui-Mansell (Te Ati Haunui A Paparangi: Ngati Poutama Nui a Awa, Ngati Aokehu and Ngati Taanewai all of Matahiwi Marae)
Don Robinson (Tūpoho, Ūenuku, Ngāti Kura, Ngāti Rangi)
Jenny Tamakehu (Te Ati Haunui A Paparangi: Ngati Poutama Nui a Awa, Ngati Aokehu and Ngati Taanewai all of Matahiwi Marae)
Marshall Tangaroa (Tūpoho)
Jordan Winiata-Haines (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Hinemanu, Ngāti Paki)

Civic House

Rob Carr
Annette Main
John Smart
Lynne Vinsen

Electoral College

Helen Craig
Bruce Dickson
Carla Donson
Ross Fallen
Beverley Sinclair

If you wish to contact any of the Joint Council, Tikanga Māori House or Civic House members, please email with your contact details and we will make sure your message is passed on to the right person. 

The Joint Council meets bi-monthly from February to December on the second Wednesday of the month. Please email with your contact details if you would like to know more about the meetings, which are open to the public.